The personal interview method is a crucial crossing point in obtaining a job. It is the final stage you reach after applying for a job and perhaps after undergoing some tests, after which the final decision is made regarding hiring you. So, it is natural for you to be concerned, but on the Qayoud website, we provide you with a simplified road map that guarantees you success, and we place in your hands the essential keys that enable you to gain acceptance in those interviews. We also focus on the mistakes that job applicants make, which waste opportunities from their hands. So follow us carefully and learn about personal job interviews, how to prepare for them, and the most important questions you may ask.
What are personal interviews?
The personal interview method is the first step in job acceptance. It is also a professional meeting that brings together the employer or employee responsible for hiring and the job applicant to determine the suitability of the job applicant for the job by analysing and evaluating the information he provides about himself, including his academic qualifications, previous experiences, and skills that he can offer in the field in which he wants to work.
The personal interview or job interview enables the employer to choose the most qualified applicant from among different competencies through the information that each applicant provides about himself, in addition to the skills and personal characteristics that they display that are necessary to fill the desired position.
The importance and benefits of personal interviews
The personal interview is significant for the job applicant as well as for the employer, and we can determine the reasons for its importance in that it is characterised by the following:
The last stages of recruitment
Personal interviews are a decisive stage in which the final decision is made to accept or reject you. This means that they are a golden opportunity to confirm your desire to obtain the job, prove your competence, and introduce your skills and experiences. In addition, they are considered the appropriate time to get to know the work environment and its details and to leave a lasting positive impression on the interviewer.
Equal opportunities
When several people compete to fill one job, personal interviews become necessary to choose the most qualified candidate. Therefore, job interviews are considered a fair tool that ensures the selection of an employee who is suitable for the work environment, possesses skill, competence, and experience, and is capable of achieving the organisation's interests.
It makes the vision clearer.
The job interview is not just an opportunity to convince the employer of your employment eligibility; rather, it is a golden opportunity for you to form a comprehensive impression of the future work environment. It is also an opportunity to learn about the organisation's culture, determine its leadership style, and verify its suitability for you regarding values and principles to ensure that this place is worthy of achieving your ambition.
Evaluation of personality traits
Some things can only be known through personal interviews, such as your strength of character, level of self-confidence, ability to face difficult situations, and whether you are a spontaneous person. All of this information is essential, and employers need to know it when they choose an employee because they want him to be perfectly suited to his job.
Types of personal interviews
Many people do not realise that there is more than one type of personal and job interview, but each type has a special nature, and we explain that below:
An interview between two people
Known as the individual interview, it involves a meeting with the employer or recruitment official only. At the end of the interview, it is determined whether you can be accepted or not. You exchange dialogue about the job, your previous experiences in this job, and your skills. Although this type of interview is often conducted in small institutions and requires a longer time, it is the most common form of job interview in the field of business.
Competency interviews
This type of personal interview is carried out when the job requires a person with strong competence and skills in the field, and it often revolves around your competence and academic and skill experience more than personal questions or any other aspect.
Recruitment team interview
It may seem like an anxiety-inducing interview, but in reality, it does not require that because every member of the hiring team you meet evaluates you from a certain aspect. Therefore, you find that the questions directed to you in that interview are related to multiple aspects of your personality and not just your qualifications.
Group interview
In this type of personal interview, you meet with other people applying for the same job at the same company, and the recruiter or employer administers the interview. The information each person provides about himself and the personal characteristics he displays are compared, and in the end, one or more people from the group are hired according to the organisation’s needs.
Telephone interview
This method of conducting interviews is used when the human resources manager needs to filter applicants. He begins by setting basic points and conducts telephone interviews to ensure that the applicants have them. When you prove your availability through a phone call, you will be given an appointment for a personal interview, but if you do not possess the required qualifications, you will be eliminated, and therefore it is not a final procedure like the previous ones.
Remote interview
With the development of technology and the emergence of work via the Internet, video interviews have spread greatly. They suit the way some companies work and are also suitable for those seeking work in countries other than their place of residence. They are conducted via computer programmes, require a good Internet connection, are recorded, and employment decisions are made based on them.
How to prepare for a personal interview
Before undergoing any type of personal interview, you must be prepared psychologically and cognitively. Following the basic rules required in job interviews is very important. Below, we will review with you a few rules identified by recruitment experts that will help you prepare yourself for personal interviews.
Prepare well
Your good preparation lies in trying to obtain as much information about that interview as possible, in terms of who will conduct it with you and its type, because the type of interview will show you how you will be evaluated. If the interview will take place in a way that makes you upset or nervous, you should practice it with other individuals to reduce anxiety.
Learn more about the organisation.
Research the organisation before personal interviews via the Internet, collect some information about it, and determine what distinguishes it. Find out some additional information about the nature of the work and the tasks that you will be responsible for so that you can anticipate the questions that will be directed to you, prepare to answer them, and prepare the questions that you need to know the answers to and ask during the interview.
Determine how you look.
Your appearance must be appropriate when you come to the interview, not only to give the desired impression but also to ensure your psychological comfort, which releases a feeling of confidence within you. So do not be too extravagant in your appearance; be yourself and wear clothes that suit the job.
Pay attention to body language.
Monitoring body language is an important aspect of personal interviews, so you should not be too nervous. In the end, it is just a job. You should also show confidence, sit comfortably, speak calmly, and focus on communicating constructively with the interviewer or the employer.
Make sure you keep the appointment.
If you arrive late for the interview, your chances of being rejected will automatically increase, so do not be late for your interview but rather arrive about 20 minutes early. If the interview location is far away, leave your home early. If you have not gone there previously, it is important that you try to go to the headquarters once before the interview date to find out the address and measure the travel time required.
Practice appropriate pronunciation.
Choose your words so that they are formal without exaggeration and provide an atmosphere of familiarity between you and the interviewer. Take care not to gossip and mention useless matters, even if they are accepted by the interviewer. This does not show you the required seriousness and does not give the desired impression of you; rather, it shows you as someone who does not care about the time wasted or the seriousness of the interview.
How to Succeed in a Personal Interview
What is well-prepared is expected to succeed, so as long as you are as prepared as possible, you will be able to apply the rules of success in personal interviews to the fullest, which are as follows:
be confident
Regardless of the type of interview and who is conducting it, you must demonstrate your self-confidence and abilities. Reaching this stage proves that you are at the required level, so sit down, keep your back straight, and discuss the official as a co-worker.
Communicate effectively
Communication skills are critical in all jobs, so you should not be too conservative in what you say. Rather, strive to show what the interlocutor is asking of you in strong, consistent language, without worry or shame. Do not focus all of your conversation on exaggerating your achievements.
Do not argue.
Discussion between you and the interviewer during personal interviews is inevitable, and the interviewer may say something incorrectly. In this situation, you should discuss the matter with him without arguing and abandon the idea of proving the validity of your point of view. Instead, put the matter in the middle between you and end the argument intelligently.
Refrain from talking at the right time.
Do not give yourself free rein while talking to the interlocutor. If he is friendly and you start gossiping, the consequences will be dire. Because the personal interview has limited time and you are wasting it on what is not useful, choose only the phrases that serve you and give the recruiter everything he needs to hire you.
Highlight your skills.
Don't just discuss your academic qualifications; give your skills some time. Mention them without exaggeration to serve as reasons to distinguish you from other applicants and focus on job-related skills.
Ask some questions.
During personal interviews, some aspects about which you want more information may become apparent to you. Do not be shy to ask about them to become more familiar with your job responsibilities or verify something that may mean the job requires something else you did not consider.
Contacts after the interview
Call approximately 48 hours after the interview to find out if action has been taken, but do not be pushy. Once you are selected, you will inevitably be contacted.
Typical questions in job interviews
What questions can you face in personal interviews? It can be said that these questions are determined based on the type of job and the experiences and specifications required to fill it, but some questions are commonly used in employment interviews, including:
How do you describe yourself?
You should start by talking about some of your good personal traits that are related to the job. For example, when you mention that you are persistent, you should be sure that the job requires perseverance and not giving in to frustration.
Why are you interested in this job?
Your professional development is the goal that you must explain to the interviewer. Do not talk about material or social advantages. You should only focus on what you will learn through the job in terms of new skills and professional experiences.
What are your strengths and weaknesses?
Define your strengths clearly and without exaggerating or showing pride. Beware of ignoring or denying your weaknesses because you certainly have weaknesses, so mention one or two at most and specify the method by which you overcome those points.
Why did you leave your last job?
Leaving your previous job should not be due to poor management or working conditions, but rather it should be to stop professional development, as you explain to the interviewer that you are hungry for learning and that you have reached the maximum limits in that previous institution, so you decided to continue your achievements in a larger and more developed institution.
How do you see yourself in the future?
This question is related to the job, so you should expect progress. Tell him how you plan to benefit professionally from promotion or obtain more academic degrees to become an expert, but be careful not to show arrogance. Show it as a well-thought-out plan.
What questions do you have about the organisation?
This question shows your interest in the job, so do not say I have no questions. You must inquire about the organisation, its work system, and the techniques used to perform the work. You can ask as follows:
- How would you describe the working environment here?
- Describe some challenges I might face at work.
- What professional development opportunities are available at the institution?
- Does the institution offer accredited training courses?
We explained everything you need to know about personal employment interviews, how you can pass them, and how to differentiate between their types while mentioning some questions expected in employment interviews. To advance yourself professionally, you must join the Qoyod Accounting Programme, a free trial, to benefit from our courses, ensure your success in job interviews, and quickly increase your competence.
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